The College of Law is discussing (The Role of Ethics in Criminal Law) a Ph.D. thesis
The College of the Law / University of Karbala discussed a doctoral thesis entitled (The Role of Ethics in Criminal Law, a Comparative Study,) and in Professor Dr. Abbas Al-Husseini Hall in the College. As a standard for crime or not, and since the ethics rules in Islamic law in terms of its concept differ from it in the consensus, psychological and economic concepts .. The fact that Islamic law is inclusive and integrated, this on the one hand and on the other hand that the standards of morality are different among countries of the world, there are behaviors in a country that are not considered to be punishing and crime In their societies, but it is a crime in other societies …
The researcher concluded the necessity of unifying standards of ethics in countries, as well as following Islamic legal standards as a standard similar to what some Arab countries have adopted .. with the utilitarian criterion as part of it.

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