The College of Law embraces the baccalaureate exams for female prep examinations in Karbala
The College of Law / University of Karbala has embraced
Baccalaureate exams for the sixth preparatory students of the Directorate of Public Education in Karbala Governorate
Which began at seven in the morning on Tuesday 1/9/2020
The Dean of the College of Prof. Dr. Aqil Majeed Al-Saadi mentioned that the college’s cooperation with the Education Directorate and all state institutions has been in full swing .. and in this cooperation we have provided a great opportunity for our sons and daughters of prep students to perform their exams in a healthy, sound and comfortable environment for them, especially as the country lives in an epidemic and widespread atmosphere. Corona virus ..
Our bubbles are sanitary and dusty, as well as their spaces enable students to take the exam while adhering to the instructions issued by the crisis cell, including social distancing to ensure that infection is not transmitted. The college also provided logistical support, such as operating generators when the electricity was cut off, and operating cooling and air conditioning equipment in the examination halls …