Ways to counter rumors circulating through social media (seminar at the Faculty of Law)

The Student Activities Unit at the Faculty of Law at Karbala University held a seminar entitled “Ways to Counter Rumors Circulated Through Social Media” at 11:00 on Thursday, 7 March 2019. The seminar was moderated by Dr. Abbas Samir Hussein, On the seriousness of rumors circulating through the means of social communication, especially after the opening of the door shut the so-called Sushil Media in the publication of the irresponsible and unregulated took the shovels of demolition make way to destroy the pillars of the state and the individual had to address and confront these rumors and ways to deter them Here moved the conversation Professor Yasser Ataiwi, a professor of constitutional law at the college, who in turn defined the rumors as a collection of stories and stories that people are deliberating and baseless. It aims at the psychological collapse of the individual and the destruction of state institutions and creating a gap between the state and its institutions and the people. The legal means and legislation necessary to reduce this devastating scourge and then moved to talk to Dr. Khalid Majid, who stressed the need to enact laws that criminalize rumors and promoters of the rumors under the Iraqi Penal Code note that the Iraqi Penal Code does not If the materials criminalize the promoters of rumors and that there is a need for new legislation to keep abreast of the latest developments and after it was opened the discussion and interventions by Dr. Abbas Samir moderator was asked a set of questions and inquiries, including if the common unknown source, what is the benefit of them and will meet Vajib Dr. Khalid Jubouri
First: – The sanctions are directed against the promoters of these rumors, regardless of their source
Second: – There must be laws that criminalize acts that disturb the community security and threaten this state entity. This symposium concluded that there is a need for deterrent legislation so that our dear country and its people can enjoy peace and security.