1. Constitutional regulation of interrogation                   
  2. The right of a member of the Iraqi Parliament to ask a question             
  3. Discretion of the Constitutional Judge              
  4. The right of the President of the Republic to propose a bill                     
  5. Constitutional organization of the powers of the President of the Republic                    
  6. The role of the legislative authority in protecting human rights            
  7. Constitutional regulation of the human right to life                   
  8. Constitutional regulation of the human right to movement                    
  9. Legal protection of human rights in Iraq                 
  10. Judicial protection of human rights in Iraq                
  11. Constitutional regulation of the rights of people with special needs in Iraq                 
  12. The right of the Speaker of Parliament to organize parliamentary sessions                     
  13. Legal regulation of the session for the election of the Speaker of Parliament                    
  14. Constitutional regulation of the Prime Minister’s assignment to form the government          
  15. Rights of Members of Parliament in Iraq                
  16. Legal regulation of the selection of the governor in Iraq                
  17. Legal regulation of the work of the local council in Iraq