1. For banking secrecy in the commercial activity                
  2. Voluntary disclosure and its role in good implementation            
  3. Banking commission provisions                   
  4. The legal nature of the company’s Memorandum of Association             
  5. Bank deposits between fixed and mobile             
  6. Legal force of an electronic document                      
  7. Electronic Signature Provisions                  
  8. Investment Bank for Financial Deposits                   
  9. Documentary endorsement and purification of personal defenses               
  10. Morphological acceptance in commercial sphalts                 
  11. Secure retrieval in electronic contracts             
  12. Electronic Fulfillment Provisions                   
  13. The privacy of the commission agency in terms of construction and effects           
  14. Voluntary notification in commercial contracts                   
  15. The nature of professionalism in the business activity                  
  16. Provisions of indebtedness in ownership endorsement                 
  17. Passenger Instruments             
  18. Bank discount and its effects                  
  19. Holding the hall in securities trading                   
  20. Modification of liability in the contract of carriage