The Faculty of Law at the University of Karbala discussed the master’s thesis entitled “The Dimensions and Expulsion of the Foreigner in Iraqi Law – A Comparative Study”

The message was submitted by the student Ihab Abdel Ali Murad. The research study aims to shed light on the legislative texts contained in the valid residency law related to the deportation and expulsion of foreigners, analyze and criticize them and indicate the weaknesses and strengths in them and compare them with some laws of…

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The College of Law, University of Karbala, discusses a doctoral thesis on (the legal organization of the non-formal commercial paper)

A scientific committee at the College of the Law / University of Karbala discussed the doctoral thesis of the student Hassanein Makki Joudi, tagged “legal organization of the non-morphological paper”, a comparative study.The study aims to address the legislative defect that affected the texts regulating the non-monetary commercial paper, which was represented by the legislative…

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The Faculty of Law at the University of Karbala discussed the master’s thesis entitled “Civil Liability for the Damage of the Unknown Person – A Comparative Study”

The message was submitted by the student Sarah Majid Dahi. The study aims to clarify the legal effects of the multiple risks to which humans are exposed due to the spread of the machine, its development, and its interference in all aspects of life. .The study concluded that the Iraqi legislation and comparative and judicial…

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The College of Law, University of Karbala, discusses a Ph.D. thesis tagged (International Protection of Mass Graves)

A scientific committee at the College of Law / University of Karbala discussed the doctoral thesis of the student Shaima Taram Lafta Al-Nawfali, tagged with “The International Protection of Mass Graves in the Light of the Rules of International Humanitarian Law”The study aims to find procedures and mechanisms undertaken by the state towards victims at…

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The College of Law, University of Karbala, discusses in a master’s thesis about the legal regulation of the home sale

The Faculty of Law at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis tagged “legal regulation of home sale – a comparative study”The message was submitted by the student Qasim Attia Hussein Al-Masoudi. The study aims to analyze the comparative legal texts that organized the home sale contract, especially the French legislation, which provided legislative…

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Karbala University discusses a master’s thesis for a student who passed away, entitled (The Right to Reproduction)

Karbala University discussed the thesis of the deceased master student Ali Nasser Sawadi in the College of Law, Special Branch, entitled (The Right to Reproduction, A Comparative Study in Islamic Jurisprudence).God the candidate student passed away before discussing his thesis and the college took the official fundamental measures to discuss his thesis, so Prof.The thesis…

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Discussion of a master’s thesis entitled (Preventive Criminal Policy in Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Law, a comparative study)

Kerbala University discusses a master’s thesis entitled (Preventive Criminal Policy in the Law of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, a comparative study)The College of Law / University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis entitled (Preventive Criminal Policy in the Law of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, a comparative study), which was submitted by a master’s student in…

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The University of Karbala, the College of Law, constitutes a discussion of graduation research, a course that teaches us our goal

For the third day in a row, the College of Law continues to discuss the graduation research of the fourth stage students and for the morning and evening studies in a batch. We learned our goal.. The Deanship has formed committees, each according to his specialization, to discuss research and distribute students to these committees…

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