The procedural defect in the arbitral dispute, a seminar in the private branch

The Private Branch in the College of Law / University of Karbala conducted a seminar to discuss a draft master’s thesis submitted by student (Maa Al-Ain Salem) entitled (The procedural defect in the arbitration litigation: a comparative study).The problem of the study lies in whether the procedural defect directly impacts the establishment, continuity, and termination…

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The Public Branch is conducting a seminar on the integrity required of a Cabinet candidate.

The public branch of the College of Law / University of Karbala conducted a seminar to discuss a draft master’s thesis submitted by a postgraduate student (Amjad Shallaka Hanawi) entitled (the condition of integrity in the candidate for prime minister according to the constitution of Iraq for 2005: a comparative study).The scientific committee in public…

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