The Faculty of Law discussed the doctoral thesis entitled “Criminal Protection for the Consumer on Fraud of Medicines and Medical Preparations”. The thesis was submitted by the student Wissam Ali Hussein.
The thesis dealt with cheating in medicines and medical preparations as one of the crimes that threaten the safety of the human body and life and lead to disturbing the quality of life as it hits the national economy as it is an economic crime imposed on the legislator in all countries to confront and combat it by criminalizing all acts that lead to fraud or facilitate it. In addition to the establishment of supervisory bodies whose task is to monitor the quality and efficiency of medicines and any fraud that occurs from persons or companies.
The thesis concluded that this crime does not affect humans alone, but rather participates in that animal that may be in dire need of this medicine or preparations, and requires a special intent represented in the intention of material benefit from the commission of this crime. Accordingly, this act required the legislator to be aware of detailed provisions and deterrent penalties in order to limit them. Rather, it came to finding specialized bodies to investigate this crime and allocating specific courts to look into this type of crime in normal circumstances. As for exceptional circumstances, especially exceptional health conditions, the legislator must find strict and sufficient measures to combat this crime. Because in the case of exceptional health conditions, the state is forced to provide medicines and medical preparations of high quality and excellent efficiency that are accessible to everyone, and this requires the presence of deterrent penalties and specialized courts to punish anyone who tempts himself to tamper with medicines and medical preparations.

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