The College of Law participates in the dialogue held by Legal Studies at the House of Wisdom.
Prof. Dr. Diaa Abdullah Al-Asadi, Professor of Criminal Law at the College of Law / University of Karbala, participated in the dialogue symposium held by the Department of Legal Studies in the House of Wisdom and tagged (the role of international criminal law and the International Criminal Court in combating international crime)
Professor Zia’s working paper was entitled (The Importance of Iraq’s Accession to the International Criminal Court after the crimes of ISIS in Iraq).
The working paper concluded by inviting the competent authorities in the Republic of Iraq to form a specialized committee of academic competence in criminal or international law and who are known for their competence, scientific and experience.
And membership from the Presidency of the Republic, the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justice, Interior, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Presidency of the Public Prosecution, the State Council, and it undertakes the study of the subject of accession and the submission of a report thereof.
As the pros of joining are more than its cons in terms of the rule of law, independence of the judiciary, and accountability of perpetrators of crimes that fall within the jurisdiction of the court, especially those committed by terrorist organizations.