The College of Law conducts a seminar for a master’s thesis project
The private branch of the College of Law conducted a seminar to discuss the master’s thesis project submitted by a graduate student (Malak Kamal Abdel Karim) and tagged (the right of the client to recover cash deposits – a comparative study). Mutual trust between customers and the bank and thus encourages customers to deposit their money with the bank. This is because recently, especially in countries with a critical economic situation, and the deterioration of the value of the protected currency for these countries, where customers began to lose confidence in banks, not deposit their money in banks, and the difficulty of recovering deposits with these banks in light of such faltering economic conditions.
The Scientific Committee in the private law discussed the research project and expressed its directives to the student. It also made some substantive modifications in the methodology of the scientific research and others in the research plan and the origin of the research topic. It also discussed the fundamental issue in the research, which is the effect of recovering the client or his legal representative to recover cash deposits deposited with The bank, based on material conditions or a topic, also recommended that the investigations should be divided in a coherent manner, and the topics should be placed within the investigations that were allocated to them so that the research would not be disjointed and tainted by confusion between the topics.

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